Customer Service Heroes

Direct Debit

Paying by Direct Debit

Many New Zealanders opt to use direct debit to pay for their bills on a recurring basis for example their broadband bill, power bill, or insurance. This is because they are generally at a set rate. Direct debit is a convenient, safe and reliable way to make payments especially if you live a busy life! No one wants to get home and have the broadband cut because they forgot about the bill to be paid.

UBB has the ability to set up a direct debit with your monthly broadband bill. If you wish to set an automatic direct debit payment for your broadband account then there are a few way to do this:

  1. Go to the UBB portal here: ( Instructions below )
  2. Call us on 0800 000 945 and our team can help.
  3. Email us on or clicking here to contact us.


How do I set up a Direct Debit?

There are two options to setup a direct debit. We require the below information in all cases:

  1. Your bank account number and details
  2. Your First and Last name
  3. Your email


Option 1 – Setup a direct debit via the UBB online portal.

Step 1
Login to the customer portal with the link below

PORTAL LINK :  It will require your password and username which was emailed to you from UBB.


Step 2
Once logged in navigate to the Finance tab on the left, then select Setup Direct Debit.  


Step 3
Once you have clicked direct debit link from the menu. Click the blue button “Confirm and allow future charge”.


Step 4
Fill the details on the form. which include below, one the form is finished  UBB will be notified once completed.

  • Email
  • Name first and last
  • Bank details



Option 2. Contacting our team 
You can call us on 0800 000 945, or email, or navigating to the contact page here, and request to setup a direct debit. Our team will happily help you set this up.


Things to know when opting in for Direct Debit

  • A direct debit enables another party (In this case UBB), once authorized by you, to take payments from your nominated bank account electronically.
  • You will be notified by GoCardless (Our payment processor) via email in advance of the date when UBB will take the payment
  • If you change banks you must notify UBB of doing so to correct the direct debit authority.
  • If there is no money in the account when payment is due, your bank may make the payment anyway and charge you overdraft fees or interest. Please check this with your current bank.
  • You are only charged what is required for your broadband bill, this included any potential data overage charges.


What is a Direct Debit?

A direct debit signifies your giving authority to a third party (Ultimate broadband in this case) to charge your bank account with the given amount they require (Your broadband bill). The amount must be notified to you within a reasonable amount of time. (We email you 20 days in advance)


What are the benefits of having a Direct Debit?

A direct debit can be for regular fixed amounts (eg rates or insurance)  or for a variable amount like your mobile phone bill, UBB lets you know in advance of the amount required for payment and also the required due date in which the automatic debit request will be actioned. This means less time paying bills and more time doing the things you like to do online!


Are there other ways to pay my broadband bill?

If you don’t wish to use direct debit that is fine, here are some other useful ways to make a payment for your UBB monthly broadband bill.

  • Internet banking – our bank account number is printed on the invoice that is emailed to you from UBB.
  • Over the counter at the bank – take your invoice in with you.
  • Credit card online – use the credit card option on the invoice that UBB has emailed you.
  • Ruralco / Ashburton Trading Society account – Contact our accounts team on 0800 000 945 option 3 or email to have this set up.
  • Calling our accounts line to make an over-the-phone payment – Calling 0800 000 945 option 3 to make a credit card payment over the phone.




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